A mail drop consisting of an invitation to a public meeting and questionnaire was delivered to 10,500 houses in the HP5 area. 1,500 copies were distributed at meetings and other venues. Over 100 residents attended a public meeting and about 150 replies to the questionnaire were received and analysed.
It also provided the impetus for other residents to respond directly to Chiltern District Council (CDC). The output from the meeting and questionnaire provided the basis of the Chesham Society’s response to the Initial Consultation to CDC’s Planning Department. The output of the exercise has been widely available to all local residents and organisations.
This project enabled the Chesham Society to work more closely with CDC, Chesham Town Council and other local organisations. It also enabled the Society to communicate directly with many local residents. These ongoing links will enable the Chesham Society to maintain contact with CDC to ensure that the New Local Plan meets the needs of future generations of Chesham residents.
Project Date: 2016